Master of Business Administration in 健康care Management

Master of Business Administration in 健康care Management

Lead 健康care Organizations Into the Future

健康care is the largest industry in the country — and arguably one of the most complex. 健康 organizations must find ways to financially thrive, all while putting high-quality patient care at the center. 它要求领导者具有卓越的商业技能和对医疗保健系统的深入了解. esball国际平台客户端医疗保健管理工商管理硕士专注于为这些独特的挑战提供大胆的解决方案. Shape a better future by taking this next step in your career. 

Why Earn an 医疗保健管理MBA?

40多年来, esball国际平台客户端一直在为雄心勃勃的专业人士提供医疗保健管理方面的创新教育. 我们的课程是全国仅有的九个提供AACSB和CAHME双重认证的课程之一. This distinction gives our graduates a competitive edge in the job market. 结果很明显:100%的学生在毕业后三个月内找到了他们所在领域的工作, with salaries as high as $200K for the Class of 2023.

医疗保健管理MBA吸引了具有广泛专业经验的学生. 我们的小班授课意味着你也可以从其他同学的专业知识中受益. Our faculty members have extensive experience in the healthcare industry, 他们把什么带进教室. The tight-knit environment makes it easy to tailor your studies to your own goals.

The program is designed to be flexible to accommodate working professionals. You can complete the program in person or online, full time or part time.

查看我们的 优秀的职业成果 from the Commission on 认证 of 健康care Management Education (CAHME).


我们的项目建立在一个能力模型的基础上,该模型是根据医疗管理人员的输入严格开发的, 管理人员和从业人员. 学生将在整个课程中实现这些能力,并为在医疗保健行业工作的挑战做好充分准备.

  • 批判性思维
  • 纪律优秀
  • 道德与社会责任
  • 领导
  • 团队合作
  • 书面和口头沟通

医疗保健管理工商管理硕士由16门课程组成,共48个学分. There are 14 required courses and two electives.

作为全日制学生,你可以在短短一年的时间内完成课程,如果是兼职学生,你可以在两到四年的时间内完成课程. Courses are available online or in person at our 首都地区校区 在纽约斯克内克塔迪. 学生需要参加两个密集的周末课程在我们的首都地区校区现场.

All students must take and/or have waived the following required courses. You can have up to nine credit hours waived or transferred.

  • Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
  • 卫生保健经济学
  • 医疗保健财务
  • 卫生信息学
  • 医疗保健领导专业研讨会*
  • 医疗营销
  • 医疗业务
  • 卫生政策动态
  • 卫生系统管理
  • 卫生系统概论
  • 医疗保健的法律问题
  • 管理流行病学
  • Strategic Issues for 健康care Organizations (Capstone)*
  • 数据分析的统计方法

选修课程(2):学生可选修以下课程之一的非同等课程: 在线MBA, 医疗保健数据分析硕士 or 生物伦理学硕士.


Boost your résumé and gain professional experience before graduation. 实习要求是一个将你在课堂上学到的知识应用到现实世界的机会. 以前的学生在首都地区医生健康计划获得了高质量的带薪实习机会, 奥尔巴尼医疗中心, Stratton Veterans Administration Medical Center and other organizations. The internship may be waived with professional managerial experience in healthcare.


For students seeking to boost their business and management background, esball国际平台客户端提供医疗保健数据分析硕士和医疗保健管理MBA的综合学位课程. Students can work towards both degrees simultaneously, 课程可以在线完成,也可以通过esball国际平台客户端首都地区校区提供的在线和传统现场课程的组合完成. Obtain both degrees by completing 21 courses and fulfilling an internship requirement.

A complete application includes the following:

  • 网上申请表格
  • 简历或简历
  • 目的陈述书
  • 两封推荐信
  • 官方成绩单
  • 可选GMAT/GRE考试成绩
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
    • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, nor do we accept university certificates. 如果申请人在英语为母语的国家获得学位,则免除英语测试. 点击这里 看看这些国家的名单.
  • 自动录取: If you satisfy one of the below criteria, you are eligible for automatic admission into our graduate business programs:
  • 本科平均绩点3.3 or higher from a regionally accredited college.
  • 本科平均绩点3.0 or higher AND a GMAT score of 500 or higher.
  • A master's degree or above from a regionally accredited college.

These criteria are for admissions purposes only. To be considered for scholarships, students should complete an application. 自动录取只适用于从美国地区认可的机构获得学位的候选人. All other applicants will follow the prescribed requirements.

Learn more about admission requirements for graduate students. 

当你申请Reh商学院的esball国际app学位课程时,你会自动被考虑以成绩为基础的奖学金. You do not need to fill out a separate scholarship application. 奖学金 are given based on academic achievement (GPA), standardized tests (GMAT or equivalent), work experience and other notable accomplishments.

另外, 我们还为医疗保健管理MBA项目的学生提供以下机会:

  • Early Decision Award for Residential Business Programs: Receive an additional award when you commit to the residential program. This award is added to any existing merit scholarship. Awards vary based upon the level of merit award given. There are set commitment deadlines for the award as well, determined by your start date.

MBA 健康care 校友 Invent Award-Winning Sepsis Screening Tool

esball国际平台客户端医疗MBA学生Devneet Singh和Shayhaan Shaikh最近荣获家庭护理协会(HCA) 2022年质量和创新奖,以表彰他们的儿科败血症筛查和干预工具.


每周我都会引用一些我在读MBA期间学到的东西 ... 肯定会利用我在医学院学习和开设自己的诊所时学到的大量信息. The information alone that I gained has been incredibly helpful in my journey, 而且,你与同学和老师建立的关系也会为你提供终身的资源. 我喜欢这样一个事实:我可以按照自己的节奏在短短一年内完成MBA课程, 因为这个项目让我可以由该领域的专业人士教授,他们有实际的实践经验,可以解决我们在课堂上学到的问题.


小埃里克·洛维特. '19 医疗保健管理MBA


Graduates of the 医疗保健管理MBA have found successful careers in hospitals, 卫生系统, 健康保险公司, 医疗实践, 技术和咨询公司, 药品, 医疗设备公司等等. 健康care Management 2023 graduates had an average starting salary of over $100K, 有的甚至高达20万美元.


  • 医疗管理员
  • 医疗主任
  • 运行状况信息管理器
  • 政策分析
  • 高级理财规划师
  • 高级项目经理


Our 医疗保健管理MBA students have secured positions in these organizations, 其中包括:

  • 奥尔巴尼医疗中心
  • 国歌BCBS
  • 克利夫兰诊所
  • 埃利斯医学
  • GE
  • Highmark
  • Medco
  • 西乃山
  • MVP医疗保健
  • Northwell健康
  • 纽约大学兰贡
  • Optum
  • St. 彼得的健康伙伴
  • UPMC
  • U.S. 海军医疗
  • 退伍军人事务部

Overview of the 医疗保健管理MBA

Hear from our Professor Emeritus and Former Program Director John Huppertz, 还有校友, about the benefits and special features of our 医疗保健管理MBA program.

Certificate Pathway to the 健康care Management MBA

esball国际平台客户端的医疗保健管理证书为医疗保健领域的基本商业概念提供了坚实的基础. 它还为那些仍在权衡选择、或希望根据其他标准而非传统申请流程录取的学生提供了另一条进入医疗保健管理MBA课程的途径.


  • 你想马上开始.
  • 你希望根据你在核心课程中的表现被考虑进入医疗保健MBA项目.
  • You're not sure if you want to obtain a 健康care MBA but would like to learn core business principles in a short amount of time and still be able to apply the coursework toward the 健康care MBA program.
  • 你想尝试一下医疗保健MBA项目,通过参加课程,你可以使用一个有价值的和公认的证书, even if you decide not to obtain the degree.






esball国际平台客户端's 健康care MBA program 是由 Commission on 认证 of 健康care Management Education, 谁的认证是学生和雇主确保esball国际app医疗管理教育完整性的基准. CAHME认证为您提供在一些国家顶级医疗保健系统享有盛誉的esball国际app行政奖学金.

Clarkson's Reh商学院 是由 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). 已知的世界, AACSB国际挑战教育工作者在他们的商业项目中追求卓越和持续改进.


esball国际平台客户端校友那里了解原因selected the healthcare management program and how it has helped her career.


  • 网上或亲自*送货





电话: 518-631-9831

了解更多 Reh商学院.

100% Graduate Placement Rate - Program Specific


Level up your career in the healthcare industry with a master's degree from Clarkson. 下一步: